Brethren all,
I will be preparing dues notices on Sunday, 27 September, and mailing them on Monday, 28 September 2015 for the next Masonic year. As you know, we changed our by-laws. The amount of the Grand Lodge dues and assessments has also changed, from $10.00 to $11.90. To pay your dues, send a check made out to Arminius #25, and address it to me at my home (6718 Dorothy Giles Court, Alexandria VA 22315). Regular members pay $90.00 plus the aforementioned $11.90, while members living 75 or more miles from Lodge pay $60.00 plus the aforementioned $11.90, while retired members pay $45.00 plus the aforementioned $11.90.
That means those final figures are $101.90 for regular, $71.90 for extrajurisdictional members, and $56.90 for retired members. If you wish to pay your dues prior to getting your dues notice, feel free to send a check. If you know you’re in arrears, please contact me directly, and I will advise you of your amount due.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
J.D. Walker
Arminius #25
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