Aus dem Osten
Freunde und geliebte Brüder alle!
I trust all members, families, and friends of Arminius Lodge have had a pleasant summer, and that the Arminius-Brüder are ready once again to take up the Werkzeuge or Working Tools for the autumn. This month we will be opening and closing in German in the Second Degree (Tempelarbeit II: Gesellengrad). In October and November, we will be working in the First Degree.
For our upcoming 21 September Stated Communication (dinner at 6:30, meeting at 7:30), Walter Benesch, my counterpart in the East at Lafayette-DuPont Lodge, will offer a look at the life and music of the expatriate American chanteuse Josephine Baker, her work for the French Resistance, and her interesting connection to Free-Masonry. This presentation, intended for our meeting this past April, was unavoidably delayed until this month.
I hope to see all of you at the Masonic Family Picnic at Glen Echo Park on Saturday, 26 September. This is one of the major Grand Lodge family events, and I hope many Arminius members, families, and guests will attend.
Mit brüderlichen Grüßen,
Mark Dreisonstok, E:. M:. vom Stuhl
Freimaurer sind immer auf der Suche
Wer die harmonischen und natürlich schönen Proportionen der Freimaurerei verstehen will, der muss lesen, untersuchen, reflektieren, nachdenken und unterscheiden. Ein Freimaurer bleibt immer auch ein Suchender auf der Suche nach dem tieferen Verständnis. Bücher und antike Symbole der königlichen Kunst können wir als Behältnisse verstehen, die randvoll gefüllt sind mit den geistigen.
Albert Pike, „Morals and Dogma” (Übersetzung von Dr. AndreasGehlert)
The Mason is a Seeker after Knowledge
He who desires to understand the harmonious and beautiful proportions of Freemasonry must read, study, reflect, digest, and discriminate. The true Mason is an ardent seeker after knowledge; and he knows that both books and the antique symbols of Masonry are vessels which come down to us full-freighted with the intellectual riches of the Past . . .
Albert Pike, “Secret Master” Lecture, Morals and Dogma,
- 107 (classic English-language edition)
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