Have you ever had a great idea that could not withstand the push-back of your Brethren in the Lodge? Yet even though you were not able to get your point across, you knew you were right? You are not alone. Some-times we just know that we are right, but we cannot explain it —…
Author: J.D. Walker
Arminius Bulletin
February Stated Communication Called Off
by J.D. Walker • • 2,130 Comments
Dear Brethren of Arminius Lodge, Owing to treacherous weather (snow, sleet, freezing rain, and ice) predicted with near certainty for tomorrow, our Stated Communication of 15 February 2015 is hereby canceled. Justice-Columbia Lodge #3, which also meets in the Scottish Rite Center at the same date and time we meet, has canceled as well. …
Arminius Bulletin
Lodge correspondence address
by J.D. Walker • • 1,943 Comments
Brethren and Friends of Arminius #25, The Lodge correspondence address is as follows: Arminius #25, F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia c/o J.D. Walker, Secretary 6718 Dorothy Giles Court Alexandria, VA 22315 No part of the address can be left out. If you leave my name out of the address, even if the address part…
Arminius Bulletin
Nachrichten vom Sekretär
by J.D. Walker • • 2,590 Comments
My brethren, most of you have paid your dues this go-round, and I thank you. I’m working hard to get the records squared away, and I do appreciate the help in getting information correct. Towards that end, I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about the dues. In our last round of changes to the…
Arminius Bulletin
Aus dem Osten – December 2015
by J.D. Walker • • 683 Comments
Freunde und geliebte Brüder alle! Three is a number of symbolic significance in Free-Masonry, and with this reflection I accept my election to a third one-year term as Logenmeister of Arminius Lodge No. 25. I will in turn triple my efforts to promote Masonic ideas and German culture in Arminius Lodge and the relevance of…
Arminius Bulletin
Die Aufgabe der Arminius-Loge
by J.D. Walker • • 2,282 Comments
Arminius-Loge Nr. 25, die deutschsprachige Freimaurerloge von Washington, D.C., arbeitet nach der Satzung und dem Ritual der Großloge des District of Columbia. Sie hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, freimaurerische Ideale von Toleranz und Humanität zu unterstützen und das Interesse an der deutschen Kultur und Sprache zu fördern.
Arminius Bulletin
Aus dem Osten – Oktober 2015
by J.D. Walker • • 1,847 Comments
Freunde und geliebte Brüder alle! It was wonderful to see many Arminius members at our last Stated Communication (which included a fascinating presentation by Walter Benesh on Josephine Baker). Several of the Arminius Brethren and their wives were also present at the Grand Lodge Masonic Family picnic in the former Bumper-Car Pavilion area at Glen…
Arminius Bulletin
Aus dem Osten – September 2015
by J.D. Walker • • 63 Comments
Aus dem Osten Freunde und geliebte Brüder alle! I trust all members, families, and friends of Arminius Lodge have had a pleasant summer, and that the Arminius-Brüder are ready once again to take up the Werkzeuge or Working Tools for the autumn. This month we will be opening and closing in German in the Second…
Arminius Bulletin
Dues Notices heads-up
by J.D. Walker • • 2,134 Comments
Brethren all, I will be preparing dues notices on Sunday, 27 September, and mailing them on Monday, 28 September 2015 for the next Masonic year. As you know, we changed our by-laws. The amount of the Grand Lodge dues and assessments has also changed, from $10.00 to $11.90. To pay your dues, send a check…
Arminius Bulletin
Aus dem Osten – February 2014
by J.D. Walker • • 6,137 Comments
Our Masonic year 2014 has begun with an outstanding first Stated Communication and presentation (excerpted in the present Bulletin). February and the coming months herald many inspiring Masonic activities both inside and outside the portals of Arminius Lodge: In February, our Webmaster and new member Andrew Lawless will give a thorough “workshop” on the new…