My brethren, most of you have paid your dues this go-round, and I thank you. I’m working hard to get the records squared away, and I do appreciate the help in getting information correct. Towards that end, I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about the dues.
In our last round of changes to the By-Laws, we raised and restructured the dues. Because we do not control the Grand Lodge Dues and Assessments amount (the per capita we as a Lodge owe the Grand Lodge), we separated that out from the dues and assess it separately. Dues are as follows:
A.) Regular Membership – $90.00
B.) Extra-jurisdictional Membership – $60.00
C.) Retiree Membership – $45.00
D.) 2016 Grand Lodge Dues and Assessments – $11.90
Everyone owes the figure in D, and should add that to the figure in either A, B, or C, whichever applies to one’s situation.
For the Retiree Membership option, those members above the age of 65 have the option, should their financial situation force their hand, of paying at that rate. This means you add $45.00 plus $11.90 for a total of $56.90. I don’t foresee the Lodge dues portion of this figure rising at all in the foreseeable future. The only reason this will vary is with the rise and fall of the Grand Lodge per capita figure.
For the Extra-jurisdictional Membership option, members who live more than 75 miles from the location of our Lodge meeting location (Scottish Rite Center, 2800 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C.) have the option of paying this rate. This means you add $60.00 plus $11.90 for a total of $71.90. As Secretary, I have your address on file, and will confirm whether you qualify for this. There is no need for action on your part to claim this.
The regular membership option is for those who do not qualify for either of the other options. This means one adds $90.00 plus $11.90 for a total of $101.90.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
J.D. Walker, Secretary
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